
Stage R: Pan and Tilt Multi-Axis Motion Control System Overview (video)

A overview of the multi-axis motion control capabilities of the new Stage R: Pan and Tilt Rotary System.

What is the Stage R?

The Stage R: Rotary System is a lightweight multi-stage motion control unit. Use it as a standalone pan or tilt timelapse and real-time video platform, combine two units for 2-axis pan and tilt motion or add two units to your slider for full 3-axis motion control. Each system only weighs 3-lbs with motor but can support up to 20 lbs of camera gear. Tough-as-nails is a phrase that's been used to describe these guys.

What does this video cover?

After the overview we'll cover: - System unboxing and contents - Preparing and attaching an EZ-Swap Motor - Learn how to adjust motor fit - How to connect a camera to the system - How to connect the system to tripods, sliders, D-Pods, etc. - A mad dash through orientation examples: We'll look at a few single axis pan/tilt examples, 2-axis pan and tilt, and 2 and 3 axis complete motion control rigs with the Dynamic Perception Stage One and Stage Zero sliders. Way too many options exist to cover them all here.


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